Getting ready for a business meeting can be a stressful experience. So, if you are not flexible enough to do yoga to calm yourself down, here are a few practical tips to help you get prepped and skillfully handle the situation while in your rented vehicle.
Confirm your appointment one day before
Remember that recurring nightmare you have when you drive (naked) to a meeting and end up in the wrong building? You wouldn’t like this to happen in real life, would you? So, just send an email to make sure you will be in the right place at the right time.
Check your rental car’s fuel level
Call us over-cautious but if you are heading to the meeting of a lifetime, you don’t want to run out of petrol. See, you can never be too cautious.

Find the coffee shop closest to your meeting location
Keep on reading, you will understand why.
Pick your outfit in advance
What if there is a sauce stain on your lucky jacket or your favourite dress is still hanging in your best friend’s wardrobe? You need a backup plan.
Finally, get your new iron out of its box
Because you don’t want to look like you’ve slept in your rented car! Also, you don’t need a PhD to iron, just the iron you have never used.
Get a good night’s sleep
You might want to postpone your monthly poker night so that the next morning you will be all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
Get dressed after breakfast
Roll your eyes all you want but are sure you want to risk a coffee stain on the first shirt you’ve just proudly ironed?

Check the status of the battery on your computer and your phone
While grooming your lovely beard, plug in whatever needs to be plugged in. You don’t want your computer to take a nap during the presentation you spent weeks preparing. And bring the car-charger for your rented vehicle to ensure some more precious battery!
Go easy on the perfume
Unless you want to inflict those incessant sneezes on the person in front of you who will, no doubt, end up cursing you by the hour.
Be there in advance
For once in your life, listen to your overbearing mother. What if there’s a traffic jam on the road? There’s nothing more stressful than sitting in your rented car fearing you’re going to be late. Give yourself ample time by leaving early and you will get to your destination without any excessive sweating from the face, armpits and hands.
Get into the area
Now, it is time to go to the coffee shop you picked the day before. Sit and sip, coffee, tea, kale juice (whatever floats your boat) and prep the meeting one last time. Finally, check if your mascara hasn’t migrated to your cheeks, pop a mint in your mouth and go get them…
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