

Boxing Day is here, and so are the savings!

Don't miss out this limited time offer

Take advantage of our special Boxing Day promotion and enjoy up to 30% off* your car rental.
Whether you're planning a road trip along Australia's stunning coastline, exploring vibrant cities, or heading into the great outdoors, we’ve got the perfect vehicle for your summer getaway.
Don't miss out on this limited time offer - make the most of summer with Europcar!
📅 Bookings from 24/12/2024 to 30/12/2024 with a check out period from 07/01/25 to 31/03/25.
No hidden fees
24h assistance
Wide range of vehicles
24/7 service

Terms & conditions

* Offer available under the specific conditions below:
  • Up to 30% off the base rate for bookings from 24/12/2024 to 30/12/2024 with a check out period from 07/01/25 to 31/03/25. Lead time 2 days. Offer available for 3 to 21 rental days for all cars and all locations in Australia, except franchises.
  • Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion
  • Days are based on a 24 hour rental period
  • Discount of up to 30% off the base rate applies to base cost (time and kilometres) of rental only.
  • Discount will be incorporated into your total price at Quote Summary stage.
  • Europcar standard age, credit card and driver requirements apply
  • A online reservation restriction of at least four hours prior to vehicle pick up applies
  • Extra charges may apply to options you select, if you do not return the vehicle to the same pick up location or return the vehicle late, or if you do not return the vehicle full of fuel unless the prepaid fuel option is purchased, or if you incur infringements or use toll roads Valid to all passenger vehicle classes, including prestige
  • Standard passenger vehicles include unlimited kilometres in metropolitan areas for up to 14 days, 200km per day for rentals in Country areas and 100km per day in Remote areas.
  • For prestige vehicles 1-29 days 200 kms free per day, 30+ days 100 kms free per day with additional kilometres charged per kilometre.
  • If there is Damage, theft of the Vehicle or Third Party Loss you must also pay up to the standard Damage Liability Fee (DLF).